Texture atlas support

After many user requests we are happy to announce arrival of texture atlas support to MightyEditor. Now you can pack textures to single image thus reducing game load time.


Upload an image

Select uploaded image

In the settings panel, click atlas and select atlas data file to start uploading

At the moment, the editor supports the same data formats as the Phaser:




The data format is detected automatically.

Data formats can be added additionally, if you need one – just make a request.

After atlas has been loaded, the editor will make a preview image of a full atlas and for every frame separately (useful for animations). Image below, on the left size is the full atlas and on the right side button textures are nicely separated under ‘button’ tab.

At the moment, we don’t think that the atlas creation tool has a high priority – but we will add it eventually. For the image atlas creation, you can use any 3rd party tool you have used before or one of the following:



More info can be found on this thread: HTML5 gamedev forum.

The next features to be added:

  • Source code editor – your game can be launched straight from the editor
  • Timeline for sprite animations and tween keyframes

Tile layer support

We are very happy that game developers use Mighty Editor as a tool for map creations. Currently we have only basic features but there are great plans for future. Progress will be visible with regular blog updates. The biggest change at the moment is tile layer support. Check it out in the editor.

Basic usage:

  • create tile layer from object panel menu
  • select created layer
  • adjust properties
  • in the bottom panel, all the assets will automatically appear in tile selection preview
  • select tile(s) from the palette and put tiles on the layer
  • to delete a tile, hold down ctrl key

A few additional changes:

  • camera zoom issues in brush and stamp tools fixed
  • assets loading bug fixed – all objects had a “missing” image
  • slight performance improvements when dealing with many objects in one group
  • huge amount of UI improvements
  • double click on single object will select all objects with the same image
  • a bug report link has been added to the help and support drop-down menu – if you’ve found a bug – please don’t hesitate to report it

In the next smaller release, we are planning to improve asset management:

  • add texture atlas support
  • change asset image – sometimes you need to update images – at the moment, the only way is to:
    * upload new images
    * select all objects
    * select a new image
    as you can see, it’s quite annoying for such a simple task

We’ve also made development version available to public – it is almost always up to date with github version if you’re feeling adventurous – you can explore it here: mightyeditor.mightyfingers.com:8080. Sometimes it might get unstable and totally break down – don’t use it for important projects.

MightyEditor goes open-source

Several months after we started working on HTML5 game editor, we have decided to open-source it – giving the community a tool that will help you in the game development process. We are thrilled to see the development of other open-source tools and frameworks, and we are hoping that letting people join us in the process of creating this awesome tool will give an additional boost to the future of MightyEditor. Our team is fully dedicated to continuing our work on improving the editor, adding additional features and fixing the bugs.

MightyEditor started out as a simple tool for our own games, but seeing an increased interest from the community, we decided to improve it and develop it as a universal editor that can also be efficiently used by other developers. This strategy leads to money questions. Currently we are funding the editor from whatever we can spare while developing our own games so it takes a chunk of our resources, but in the future we are planing to launch a web service where you will be able to buy advanced plugins, hosting and other goodies for reasonable amount of money. We will be happy to see other developers creating their own free and paid plugins.

Check out online version of the editor or fork it on github.

Some updates that are coming in near future:

  • Tileset support
  • Texture atlas
  • Simple physics support + ninja physics tilemap
  • Tweens


Copyright (c) 2014 MightyFingers

You can
– use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute code free of charge
– write plugins and distribute them under any license you want
– develop games on editor and own full intellectual property

You cannot
– create paid service on top of this software

You must
– include reference to the author – http://mightyfingers.com
– include the license notice in all copies or substantial uses of the work
– publish code modifications you have made

Game editor on Phaser.io

Recently our team has created two mini-games using Phaser.io. It is one of the most popular open-source HTML5 frameworks out there and we find it pretty useful. We at MightyFingers decided to help fellow game developers and created editor on top of it and called it “MightyEditor“. The idea is pretty simple – make it easier for everybody to work with the framework. Currently we have very basic features implemented like asset management, map creation, grouping in levels and data exporting. However without these basic things we would spend quit a time to create all levels we have.

How does it work? Editor is web based tool and doesn’t require any hassle like installation or authorization to the system. Simply go to http://mightyeditor.mightyfingers.com/ and system will give unique URL where you will be able to return later on and continue your work with map creation. Real time testing is as simple as including URL given on editor top right in your game project. You can export data from editor at any time, no dependencies here. We have tested editor only on Chrome, no guarantee for other browsers :)

For more info check out editor features section at our home page.

Video tutorial

Here is a list of the features that we are planning to implement in the future. Please vote for your favorite/most needed one or even request a new one – so we can focus more on the most required features:

  • text object
  • zoom in / out
  • sound management
  • tile map support
  • import from tiled editor
  • export to tiled editor
  • sprite animation editor
  • tween editor
  • source editor
  • user and multi user support
  • version control for the projects