New editor tutorials
We have added 26 new tutorials to the website. Two of them covers how to develop a game from A to Z. Rest of tutorials are very small and each describes one basic thing working with editor. These mini-tutorials are separated in to sections: basics, display, physics, misc, games. Check out tutorial section.
Besides this we have 2 video tutorials
Creating “Digger” mini-game
Working with editor
Tutorial section will grow in next few months of time. We will focus on practical things what gamedev needs to do: creating ui, optimizing huge maps, path finding, parallax backgrounds, switching between levels, proper full-screen mode. Also some different types of games will be posted.
A big update will be introduced very soon with animation editor feature. You can check a teaser video. Together with launch of this feature there will be a couple of tutorials describing how to work with it: add movie, add keyframes, display movie, export movie, stop movie.