Private accounts and subscriptions

MightyEditor has been updated with new features and bug fixes. The most important one is private accounts for your game projects. Previously all games were public and this meant that anybody could change a project if they knew a link to it. From now on you can sign in to private account and share game sources only to coworkers.

MightyEditor sign up

Register account and don’t lose your projects again. Now links to games are saved on server instead of local storage where a user could just clear the browser’s cache to clean recent project list. And if you forgot to bookmark or save the project link it might be lost forever.

Sign up supports Github, Google, Facebook and regular email accounts. You should know that users are resolved by email address, so you can sign in with Github or Google into same account.

MightyEditor has now also subscriptions. It is the easiest way to support development of editor. We have 3 tiers of accounts.


  • Free – allows gamedevs to create an unlimited number of projects. This option is limited by the fact that the project is public (and can therefore be used by anybody who has a link). Free account projects will also become automatically deleted after 30 days.
  • Basic option attracts a small charge of 5 USD per month and offers the same complete functionality as the ‘Free’ access, but with the added benefits of private projects which are not time limited, hence they are not deleted after 30 days.
  • Pro access encompasses all of the above, with the addition of live support and consulting. In addition, the MightyFingers team will seriously consider your feature requests make them as priorities in editor development plan. It should be noted that further pro benefits, such as one click mobile export, will be released soon.

List of bug fixed and improvements made:

  • Tween animations – support for easings added and miscellaneous glitches fixed
  • All new projects will start with Phaser 2.1.3. Working on to support the latest Phaser version
  • Sound upload fixed. To add a sound file drag and drop a sound file onto source editor’s tree view and use it as in any Phaser game
  • Miscellaneous checks for random strange inputs what made client to crash (e.g. x coordinate set to “a”
  • Image update works correctly again
  • Corrected z-index for default loading bar in new projects

What you can expect in the next releases:

  • One click mobile export
  • Particle editor
  • Phaser 2.2 for all new projects
  • Project revision history
  • Simple vector drawing tool for drawing boxes and/or polygons, which can be used as placeholders while prototyping OR as a raw data e.g. for physics body description
  • Option to define multiple scenes. e.g. Level 1 / Main Screen etc
  • Sound plugin with automatic format conversion + automatic loading from project

Game Development Salaries by Profession

When it comes to looking for a career, apart from finding a position that you are passionate about or a job that will challenge you, financial stability is a crucial aspect you need to consider. While it is true that the financial needs vary from person to person, the salaries of various professionals with in the gaming industry do not vary as much.

Here are some of the standard salaries for different professionals within the game development world.

Game Developer (lead artist or art director)

The process of developing a game often requires the collaboration of numerous people to ensure the success of the project. Typically, there is no one person in a corporation that is responsible for everything; however, the lead artist or the art director would be considered the top dog in the game development industry. This position, which is earned and generally not just bestowed on anyone, can expect to receive a salary of around $92,000 a year. The salary increases, of course, as your experience increases allowing you to make up to roughly $115,000 a year.


Programmers usually make a fairly reasonable salary when starting out. The typical programmer can expect a $62,000 salary if he or she has less than three years of experience. After acquiring more than six years of experience the salary more than doubles to be around $135,000 mark. Keep in mind that the more experience you have the more money you will make.

Companies do not want to have to train individuals on how to program JavaScript and Unity. While you will be asked to attend a course every so often, showing the initiative by presenting a college degree or certification in computer programming will go far to ensure that you reach a minimum of $80,000 starting salary (based upon 3 years’ experience being credited).


The cliché of a starving artist is not true at all. Illustration graphic artist can make a living as a professional and many of them have done so. The difference is that professionals do not treat artistry as a hobby. A hobby mindset yields the money you would make doing a hobby. A professional mindset yields a salary. An illustrator/designer with less than three years of experience can expect about $46,000 a year. Those with 3 to 6 years of experience can make around $60,000 a year, of those with more than six years experience can make up to $118,000 a year.

Because the graphics are a major part of the game development process (often if the game does not have good graphics, it will be difficult to sell), it is essential for any illustrator/designer to understand not only how to work a computer but how to do the fundamentals on the drawing board. A minor understanding of HTML5 and CSS will also help you to maintain a higher salary than that of a competitor seeking the same job.

Game Testers

For many gamers, the ideal job would be to sit around and test games all day long as a professional career. To debunk the misconceptions about what a game tester constitutes, one should understand that the game tester does not simply play games. They is a lot involved in ensuring that there are no glitches within the games as well as contributing to how to solve problematic areas with in the game development. Much of the game tester’s career revolves around not only playing games but also making reports based upon the time they’ve spent playing a game. That being stated, a game tester can expect to make around $55,000 per year.

Realistically, game companies usually do not hire game testers on a salary basis unless they are proficient in programming or other aspects of game development. Many times the role of the game tester and a game programmer will be the same individual or a group of programmers. The reason for this is that it is one thing to say ”hey that guy can run through walls” and “inseam 32 of the game there seems to be a glitch in the programming of the HTML code (fill in the function string here) which needs to be addressed”.

It is true that there are game testers, which are paid to test the desirability and the playability of the game. They are not the primary individuals for catching programming glitches. This is done earlier on in the development of the game. Yet, to say that a game tester only plays games all day long and gets paid for it is a myth. The companies that have such game programmers generally do not pay them but offer a free version of the game when they do their beta testing.

Which Position Should I Choose?

When trying to figure out the perfect position, you will want to determine whether you’re right brained or left brained. Traditionally, right brained people are more creative and artistic in their way of thinking. These individuals will be more suited to the graphic and visual aspects of the game. Usually, these individuals do not have strong math skills but have very strong linguistic and creative skills. On the other hand, programmers generally have a more technical way of thinking, or more mathematical, and are straightforward in their thought process (which is left-sided as far as the brain is concerned).

Assessing which characteristics best fits your personality and then looking at and what salary best fits your financial expectations, you can determine which profession within the gaming industry to seek. Regardless of which position you choose ensure it is one that you love, and game

Game Development Salaries by Country

Game development is an ever-growing industry, which has attracted gamers and developers from all over the world. However, when starting out on the career path, one of the obvious questions is how much money will this make me? The next concern is usually around how competitive is the market? This is especially true for freelancers and those who want to start small companies.

While it might be a little idealistic to state that you will pursue a career regardless of the salary, most individuals have to take their wages into consideration before embarking on their career. Knowing both the current salary of your country, as well as the competition, you will be more apt to develop marketing strategies for your game as well as target countries that offer a higher financial return.

Game Developer Wages in the United States

In the United States a professional game designer is said (according to online sources such as to make between $39,000 and $120,000 per year. Now, it is estimated that the average American spends $3000 per month on living expenses and leisure, which is equivalent to $36,000 a year in individual spending.

If you are aiming for a higher starting salary, it is well advised that you should have at least an Associate’s degree but preferably a bachelors or Master’s degree in a field associated with game design, such as game development or computer technologies.

Freelancers should price their game development contracts in a manner which will manage a medium overall salary at the end of the year. You want to stay competitive, but yet you also have to eat.

Game Development in Canada

Some of the industry leading games have been developed out of Canada and as such, this has drawn the attention of many game developers. The yearly salary for a game developer in Canada is between $43,000 CAD and $90,000 CAD. With the current exchange rate, the salary equals about $38,000-$80,000 US dollars.

While the yearly salary is a bit lower than the United States, there does seem to be a few more opportunities for the game developers interested in perfecting their craft. One has to weigh the options when choosing whether or not to seek a salary based game development career and Canada.

UK Game Development Salary

It may surprise you to learn that game developers within the UK do not receive the highest salary. The margin is between 22,000 to 41,000 pounds. In comparison to the US dollar this is an upper limit around $80,000. Once again, you need to consider that the market is substantially larger in countries such as the UK and India.

Salary Based on Experience and Position

One of the key factors in determining your salary as a game developer is the role that you will play throughout the development of the game. If at this point you believe that you will create the whole game by yourself, then you can more than likely categorize yourself as a novice.

A season game developer will understand that the game design incorporates many different people with many different talents. Generally speaking, there are three main categories with in the game development realm.

These three are:

  • Individuals who focus on the artistry and animation of the game such as the lead artist, tech artists, and the art director.
  • Those involved in the technical aspect of game development.
  • Game development art directors.

You are only as Good as Your Skill Set

Apart from your experience and position in the company, your professionalism and skill set determine a large portion of your annual salary. The more diverse your skills, the more likely you are to be perceived as an asset to the company; however, make sure that you do not fall under the category of being a jack of all trades and a master of none. It is always a good idea to have a specialty so that you are the “go to” man or woman in at least one aspect of game development.

While there is a lot that goes into any given salary handed out to a game developer including geography, skill-set, experience, position, etc., this is a field that continues to expand. If you have an interest in the design and development of games then now is the time to perfect your skills and seize your dream jo

Gamedev Events Around the World

HTML5 game developers need to be immersed within the culture. It is all well and good to understand the programming but due to the constant evolution within the industry, it is critical that any aspiring professional seek the counsel of other like-minded individuals. Traditionally speaking, and still the norm, is the participation in conferences and other events held around the world. While there are many great game development conferences, here are a few exceptional ones.


This conference is held yearly in the San Francisco area. The HTML5 conference boasts to have the largest meeting of programmers, developers, software engineers, and leading technologies than any other conference held throughout the year. Focusing mainly on the programming language and technologies around HTML5, the conference has attracted both game developers as well as computer developers such as Intel.

For game developers, the HTML5Devconf provides an avenue for understanding the technologies which are emerging in the year to come. You should be aware that this conference is not primarily focused on game development but on HTML and web based coding and technologies.

For more information about this conference visit .

Ongamestart HTML Game Conference

While many conferences are focused on the programming or the execution of the game development, there are few conferences, which are totally oriented to the game developer. This conference is held in Poland and not in the United States, China, or one of the other major centers for game development, so there are still questions as to whether or not gamer developers will flock to Poland for this first ever major gaming conference.

The gaming conference is scheduled for March 2015. Although details are few, you can learn more at:


The GDC, or Game Development Conference, is another one of the major world conferences held for game developers within the San Francisco area. The conference is one of the most well-known in the world for game developers. The GDC has become the industry-standard for game developers looking to obtain information, new technologies, and practical strategies to implement in the following year.

If you cannot attend the GDC annual conference, there are many summits, which are offered throughout the year at various locations and on various topics. It is highly encouraged that any serious game developer become part of the GDC, in an effort to better understand the industry.

More information about the GDC can be found at


Overlooked by many gamers are the aspects of the game development, which are not found within a gaming conference. Take for example the leading games on the market are based off of comic books, graphic novels, or movies. You have only to look at the booming market (dominated primarily by Marvel comics) to understand that this is a critical influencer in game development.

ComicCon is the leading comic book conference in the world. Every year thousands of people flocked to the conference in order to see the latest trends in the graphic and visual storytelling world. As a game developer this information can help you get the upper hand on what trends are going to be set for the next year. Furthermore, understanding the stylistic qualities of the graphics which are coming out and associating your game’s visuals with those characteristics will greatly enhance the odds of you producing a successful game.


One of the most beneficial conferences for anyone within the technology, animation, HTML, or gaming industry would be the SIGRAPH conference. The conference is held every year in the California area; however the conference has been known to have summits in other locations throughout the world.

The industries top professionals at this conference give both training and lectures. From Apple computers to the implementation of Nvidia technologies into the latest games, a game developer can clearly see the advantage of attending this conference. What’s greater still is that SIGRAPH is the primary conference for technology developers to test out new product designs and technologies with members of the game development, HTML, technology, and software community prior to being released to the public. Understanding where the market is in a shift prior to it happening is definitively a strategy for any successful game developer.

While these are only a few of the many conferences held throughout the world, you would be wise to seek out conferences (even if they are only speeches from a local college or graphic artists guild) in order to obtain a broader scope of your understanding of the gaming and HTML industry.